Free Trial......
Full access to the complete
AirBoss online Scheduling System for a trial period of 60 days.
Explore what's involved in setting up your organization on the AirBoss system.
Already have online scheduling? AirBoss will beat your current vendor's
pricing and give you four months free service. Additional perks are available
just for the asking.
Switch to AirBoss and start saving Time and Money!
- Online Scheduling for aircraft, instructors and simulators.
- Perfect for Partnerships, LLC's, Flying Clubs, Flight Schools, FBO Rentals.
- Full Admin control of system configuration!
- Users have some limited control of system configuration.
- Seamless integration with your current website.
- Email Notification Service for Scheduled Events, medical, maintenance, equipment due dates and cancellations.
- Email Broadcast organizational information and notices to selected/all users.
- Daily, Weekly, Monthly Views of Schedules.
- Fully Emplements MS Memberships and Roles for security.
- Mobile Access
- Pilot and Aircraft Logs and Squawks
- Demo -- Try 4 Yourself